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 tmux feature lets you tile window panes in a command-line environment. This in turn allows you to run, or keep an eye on, multiple programs within one terminal.

tmux lets you easily:
  • split your terminal into panes which can be moved, resized, and switched between
  • keep programs running after you disconnect (e.g. when working on a remote server via ssh)
  • Share a session with somebody else
A common use-case for tmux is on a remote server where you have a common layout that you always use, and want a way to quickly jump into and out of.

To do the installation: sudo apt-get install tmux

After the installation we can check the tmux version , and we can confirmed if it was properly installed with the command tmux -V

Now, to start a new session in tmux, simply type tmux new in your terminal.Or simply start a session use the tmux command tmux

In this example we use Crtl + B and the % sign

Now we will use ctrl +b + x

We clicked yes , and back to original result

Here is a list of more tmux commands

# session management

we will create a new session

We the will create a second session but check that at the bottom mysession is already create

we are going to jump into a different process : htop  as you could see at the bottom of this session

But if you use Crtl + b , d I am going to get detach from that session without killing it, but the process will still be running as we can see with the last command 

Of course you can logout with the exit command or kill that session with tmux kill-session -t mysession

In case we want to verify our opened sessions

y one session created
Only one session created

We can create sessions and panes together  , and it can be very useful.. 

Or we can kill our last process, using the commands that we previously show you..

We hope that this information was useful and you learn something positive out of it. If you did , please click "like"..

Thanks in advance  😉

tmux tmux Reviewed by ohhhvictor on November 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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