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About us

I remember when I started studying Linux and I couldn't find an organized proper information. It was a lot of different information from different sources and some of them were hard to understand. So eventually  I was grabbing some information to be useful for me in the future, I organized it, I wrote personal notes,  and set it where I can have an easy access to everything I need it.

Eventually the stuff we were learning was getting to big to save it in a simple notebook, and it grew to CCNA VOIP,CCNA R & S,  Linux, SQL, CCNP Route, CCNP Switch and AWS etc..

Doing this I would have updated information, in just one place available all the time
That's how I created this site, to prepare myself, in the same way, I did with the CCNP Route,  Switch exam and the other interesting technology topics.

For example, we created : 

We are using a lot of important information that you feel comfortable using for studies purpose and you can successfully apply in labs so it can be useful for you. It has amazing information, along with social media to help with your studies preparation.

Please feel free to check our study material and most important, subscribe and share so other people feel inspired to check this stimulating material!

Enjoy it.
About us About us Reviewed by ohhhvictor on October 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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